Astrological - planets - plants - herbs    

Planetary Astrology

Astrology:  Ruling Planet + Plants & Herbs

Astrological - planets - plants - herbs 

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Ruling Planets - Astrology/Astrological-Plants & Herbs:
The Earth | The Sun | Moon | Mercury | Mars | Venus | Jupiter | Saturn

Planetary astrology ruling planet  The Earth- Sagittarius? -  fixed, green - changeable!

Plant Types: All field crops like corn and maze, earthy smelling plants, mushrooms, mosses, lichens, patchouli and vetiver. All root vegetables such as potatoes, beets and, Onions etc. Typical earth colours may be amber, olive, black but flecked with yellow/amber and dark brown.

Herbs & Influence: Earth is connected to or rules money, property and the more sensual side of humane existence, All wealth originally was connected to the earth be it crops from the ground or minerals mined or extracted from the land. Earth plants tend to be of a nourishing nature and or have a connection with the earth or field like corn and root crops, or they may have an earthy smell like the mosses or mushrooms.

Plants & Herbs: : Amaranth, Barley, Black cornflower, Buckthorne, Clary sage, Comfrey, Corn, Corn poppy, Costus-root, Flanders poppy, Grain, Horehound, Ivy, Kava, Licorice, Maize, Mugwort, Millet, Mosses, Norwegian Spruce, Oak, Oats, Patchouli, Poppy- Petals, Reishi, Rice, Root crops, Rye, Sage-herb & seeds, Spikenard, Vetiver, Verrbrain ,Wheat, all-Mosses, lichens, Nuts Dry, stiff plants, Low-growing, plants, Acorns,

Ruling Planets - Astrology/Astrological-Plants & Herbs:
The Earth | The Sun | Moon | Mercury | Mars | Venus | Jupiter | Saturn

Leo - Ruling Planet - Sun (Luminary): Planetary Astrology dry, warm, positive, orange,

Plant Types: (Luminary) Plants resembling in shape/ color: Chamomile, Celandine, Century, Eyebright, European Angelica, Lovage, Orange, Rosemary, Rue, Storax, Saffron, Walnuts.

Herbs & Influence: The suns herbs help to promote self confidencev, a strong sense of identity and willpower. Sun herbs may help typicly to promote vitality, health, creativity, dignity, a sense of well being and of abundance. Sun herbs are mostly yellow in colour or have yellow or orange with in

Plants & Herbs: Acacia tree (seeds, resin,) Almond, Angelica, Archangel, Arctic Poppy, Ash tree, Bay tree, Birch, Bistort Black-Eyed, Susan Blue, Water Lily, Broom Burnet, Butterbur, Buttercup bush, Calamus (seed, herb, oil), Calendula, Catechu, Cedarwood (herb, oil, seed), Celandine, Centaury, Chamomile (seed, oil, herb), corn Cinnamon, Citron Citrus, Desert Cassia, Everlasting Eyebrigh, Frangipani, Frankincense, Globeflower, Graveyard tree, Heart trefoil, Helen's flower, Heliotrope, Hibiscus, Hornwort, Hops (herb, seed), Japanese calamus, Juniper, Laurel Lovage, Marigold, all kinds (herb, seed), Marshmallow Marsh marigold, Mexican marigold, Meadow rue, Mistletoe, Mock orange Moroccan Poppy, Old man senna bush, Olive, Peony Pimpernel, Poinciana Potentilla, Cinqufoil Pot marigold, Rice, Rosemary, Rue (herb, seeds), Saffron, Sneezeweed, Spanish Poppy, St. John's wort, Sundew, Sunflower, Tormentil, Turnsole, Vine, Viper's bugloss, Walnut, Wartweed, Winged, Everlasting, Yauhtli.

Ruling Planets - Astrology/Astrological-Plants & Herbs:
The Earth | The Sun | Moon | Mercury | Mars | Venus | Jupiter | Saturn-

Cancer - Ruling Planet - Moon The Moon (Luminary): Planetary Astrology: cold, moist, changeable, nocturnal, feminine, silver grey

Plant Types: Plants similar in shape/color: Banana, Gourds, Mango, Melons, Pumpkin, Sweet Flag, Water lilies. Plants in or near water. Seaweed, Watercress, Willow, Wintergreen.

Herbs & Influence: Moon herbs often work at the level of the subconscious mind. Moon herbs help to development inner skills like intuition and the psychic powers. Moon herbs are an excellent aid for 'dream-work', moon herbs help when trying to recall the past and dealing with ingrained habits or 'old' conditioning. Moon herbs are usually white, silver or of a rather pale colour.

Plants & Herbs :  Acanthus, Adder's tongue, Agave, Almond, Alum root, Arrowleaf, Astilbe, Banana, Bear's breeches, Beauty of Liveremere, Blue Hibiscus, Blue Nepal Poppy, Blue Water, Lily Burnet, Cabbage California poppy-seed, Chamomile-seed, essential oil, Chickweed, Clary sage-seed, essential oil, Coral bells, Cuckoo Flower, Cucumber, Dog Rose, Evening Primrose, Flowering currant, Flowering rush, Fluellen Fungi, Fuschia, Gooseberry, Goat's beard, Green calla, Hazel, Heartleaf, Heuchera, High Mallow, Himalayan Blue Poppy, Hybrid Blue Poppy, Hydrangea Iris, Italian Arum, Jasmin flowers, Japanese Poppy, Juniper-herb-essential oil, Leafy vegetables, Lettuce, Loosestrife, Lotus Madonna, Lily. Mallow, Melon Milkweed, Rose Moly, Moonflower vine, Moonwort, Morning glory, Mouse-eared-Hawkweed, Mushroom, Mugwort-seeds-herb-essential oil), Night blooming-plants, Norfolk Island hibiscus, Northern red oak stem, Orris Oyster plant, Passionflower-seed), Peace Lily, Wild Pear ,Pickerel weed , Poppy, Pumpkin, Purslane, Ranunculus, Rose Mallow, Round cardamom, St. John's flower, Saxifrage, Sea Holly, Seaweed, Soma Star anise-herb-essential oil, Starwort, Stonecrop, Strawberry geranium, Sweet pea, Tibetan Blue Poppy, Tomato fruit, Tree anemone, Tulip Poppy, Turkish Poppy, Wallflower, Watercress, Water Lily, Water gladiolus, Water hyacinth, White anthurium, White sandalwood, Water poppy, White poppy, White Rose, Wild Rose, Willow Wintergreen, Yucca.

Ruling Planets - Astrology/Astrological-Plants & Herbs:
The Earth | The Sun | Moon | Mercury | Mars | Venus | Jupiter | Satur

Virgo/Gemini - Ruling Planet - Mercury:  Planetary Astrology: mental, dry, nervous, convertible, yellow,

Plant Types: Plants with airy looking leaves: Caraway, Carrots, dill, Fennel, Parsley, Lavender, Lily of the Valley, Marjoram, Parsnips, Elecampane, Horehound, Mandrake.

Herbs & Influence: Mercury herbs helps one towards clear thinking and meaningful communications they aid in business deals and communications - aiding success transactions. Mercurial herbs help to clear the head and aid one in the recovery from illnesses, they help to enable the conscious side of mind to communicate with the subconscious side of mind. Mercury herbs come from plants with what may be described as having 'airy' looking leaves:.

Plants & Herbs: Anise Hyssop, Ash, Beefsteak Plant, Beggar's lice, Betony, Bittersweet, Bladderwrack, Black Dianthus, Black mourning bride, Blue honeywor,t Butterbur, Bottle brush, Cardamom, California Poppy-seeds, Caraway-essential oil, Carrot, Cascara Sagrada, Cassia-herb, Celery, Chervil Chickweed, Cinnamon, Chinese forget-me-no,t Cinquefoil-herbs & seeds, Clary Sage-seeds & essential oil, Cow Parsnip, Crown of thorns, Damiana, Dark columbine, Devil's bit, Dianthus black, Dill, Dragonhead Dulse, Elecampane/Elfwort, Fennel, Fenugreek, Fern Fire on the mountain, Fireweed, Forget me not, Garlic, Mustard, Germander Goats, RueGobo-roots, Grey sage-seeds, Guaranam gum mastic, Gypsy Rose, Harebells Hazel, Heather, Hound's Tongue, Illinois Bundleflower, Irish moss, Jacob's ladder, Jack in the Pulpit- herbs &essential oils, Lavender, Cotton, Lemongrass-essential oils, Licorice, lily of the Vall,yMa Huang, Maidenhair fern, Marjolane, Marjoram, Mercury, Mourning Bride, Mulberry Tree, Mullein Rush, Russian sage, Scabious, Scarlet pimpernel, Scorpion grass, Scullcap-herbs, Sea urchin flowe,r Siler root, Snow on the mountain, Southernwood, Starwor,t Sweetgum-seeds, & the bark, Sweet pea, Sweet Wormwood, Tabasheer, Tribulus fruit, Vervain-seeds & herbs, Wedding bush, Wolfberry fruit, Woody Nightshade, Yohimbe,

Ruling Planets - Astrology/Astrological-Plants & Herbs:
The Earth | The Sun | Moon | Mercury | Mars | Venus | Jupiter | Satur

Aries - Ruling Planet - Mars: Planetary Astrology: dry, hot, masculine, dark red

Plant Types: w/ thorns or prickles: Barberry, Cacti, Hawthorn, Nettle. Also plants w/ strong acrid taste: Capers, Coriander, Garlic, Gentian, Hops, Horseradish, Mustards, Onion, Peppers, Radish, Tarragon.

Herbs & Influence: Mars herbs and plants increase the amounts of energy both for health and to put into projects or action. Mars type herbs promote the self both in independence and assertiveness, Mars herbs also tend to stimulate ones passions as well as ones motivation. Herbs herbs are usually red or auburn in colour

Plants & Herbs: Acacia-resin, Agapanthus-lily of the Nile, Aloe, All-Heal, American persimmon stem, Arctic Glow Globethistle, Armenian basketflower, Artichoke thistle, Asafoetida-resin, Asarabacca, Ashwagandha, Asian wild ginger root, Bai wei root, Bai zhi root*, Barberry root, Basil, Belladonna-seed-herb, Betony, Black cherry leaf, Black gum leaf, Blue cohosh, Broomrape, Bryony, Buckbush stem, Butterbur, Butcher's broom-root, Cactus, Calamus-seed-herbs-essential oils, Caper, Cardamom, Cardoon, Cassava leaf, Catnip, Chicalote, Chickweed, Chih-Mu rhizome, Chili pepper, Chinese polystichum, Ching, chieh, Chives, Coffee senna seed, Coneflower root, Coriander, Corn salad, Cow Parsnip, Cowhage, Crocus, Cuckoopint, Cubeb berries, Cypress-seeds-essential oils, Dandelion-leaf, Devil's claw-root, Dragonhead flower, Dragon tree, Evodia fruit, Field horsetail, Flax lily, Galangal, GarlicGentian, Ginger. Gobo root. Gorse. Guanique leaf. Hawthorn. Horseradish. Hyacinth. Japanese knotweed. Kola nut. Lamium-dead nettle, Maca Madder, Root Madwoman's, Milk Masterwor,t Mistletoe, Mondo grass, Mugwort-seed-herb-essential oil, Mullein leaf, Mustard Nettle, Onion Pasque, Flower Pepper, Pepperwort-herb-seeds, Pennyroyal, Pigweed leaf, Qian Hu, Radish Ramie, Restharrow, Red cedar shoot, Red clover shoot, Red-hot poker, Reed Resurrection, lily, Rowan Rue-seeds, Safflower blossom, Sarsaparilla, Savin Siebold's, Wild ginger root, Solandra-cup of gold, Spiny pigweed leaf, Star Thistle Tea, Teucrium Torch, Ginger, Tarragon, Thistle, Thyme, Toadflax, Toothache plant-seeds, Tomatillo fruit, Turmeric, Velvetbean, Wartweed, Weld Wild ginger, Wild tobacco, Woodland Tobacco, Wormwood -seeds- herb- essential oil, Yellow Horned Poppy, Yohimbe.

Ruling Planets - Astrology/Astrological-Plants & Herbs:
The Earth | The Sun | Moon | Mercury | Mars | Venus | Jupiter | Satur

Taurus - Ruling Planet - Venus: Planetary Astrology:  temperate, moist, fruitful, benefit, magnetic, negative,

Plant Types: Apples, Cherry, Primrose, Strawberry, White Rose,  The color variation of Venus ruled herbs and plants may ranges from green-white to a pink. Most Venus herbs will have a fragrance of a sensory quality. Most fruit blossoms are ruled by the planet Venus.

Herbs & Influence: Venus herbs will often have a cooling and cleansing influence with diaphoretic or diuretic properties, they may be balancing and soothing.

Plants & Herbs: Archangel, Alder Alkanet, Aloes, Ambrosia, American styrax, Angel's Trumpets, Angelica, Anemone, Apple, Apricot. Artichoke, Baby's breath, Barberry, Basil, Bishop's weed,Beans, Bergamot Mint, Birch, BirthwortBox, Bishop's weed,
Bitter melon fruit, tree, Black Alder, Black Broom, Burdock, Bubbleholly, Butcher's broom, Blackbean-fruit, Black cherry leafs & the stem, Black gum leaf & stem, Black hollyhock, Black oak stem, Bramble, Blackberry, Blue vervain, Broccoli leaf*, Brugmansia, Brush box, Buckbush stem, Bugleweed, Burdock, Cabbage leaf, Cape gooseberry, Cardamom-herbs & essential oil, Carnation, Cashew seeds-only, Catsfoot, Lesser celandine, Cherry, Chinese datura, Cinquefoil, Clover, Coconuts, Collard-the-leaf, Coltsfoot, Columbine, Cowslip, Crabapple, Daffodil, Daisy, Damiana, Datura metel, Dianthus, Dropwort, Dwarf sumac stem, Elder, Eucalyptus, Feverfew, Fig, Figwort, Fringed pink, Geranium the essential oils, Gobo-root, Goldenrod, Gooseberry, Great Blue Lobelia, Groundsel, Gypsophila, Herb Robert, Heartsease, Hollyhock, Honeysuckle-herb, Sea Holly, Self-Heal, Sesame, Siberian motherwort, Sicklepod seed, Silverweed, Soapwort, Sorrel, Spearmint, Spider flowers, Strawberry, Sweet Breath of Spring, Sweetgum the seedsand the bark, Sycamore, Tansy-seeds & essential oils, Thyme, Toloache, Tomato fruit, Tonka Beans, Wild thyme, Venus flytrap, Venus lookingglass, Verbena, Vervain, Violet, Visnaga, Willow -herb, Willow oak stem, Witch's butter, Woodbine, Yarrow-seeds & herbs.

Ruling Planets - Astrology/Astrological-Plants & Herbs:
The Earth | The Sun | Moon | Mercury | Mars | Venus | Jupiter | Satur

Sagittarius - Ruling Planet - Jupiter:  Planetary Astrology: temperate, dry, fruitful, benefit, light or purplish blue

Plant Types: Jupiter the planet and plants of expansion and 'religion' tend to be rather large themselves such as oak, pine and magnolia or herbs that are thought to expand ones understanding/spirituality - Agrimony, Nutmeg, Scullcap, Catnip, Fruits: Currant, Figs, Olives, Rose hips. Nuts. and Meadowsweet would be some examples of Jupiter ruled herbs.

Herbs & Influence: Jupiter herbs influence the mind and awareness. Jupiter style herbs help promote growth they will typically expand the consciousness the mind and awareness for greater understanding and thereby expanding ones own spiritually, or they may be thought to to help open up one up to new and expanding opportunity.

Plants & Herbs: Agrimony,Aniseed, Anise, Apricots, Ash, Avens, Asparagus, Balm, Balsam, Betony, Balm of Gilead, Barberry root, Barley stem, Bayberry bark, Beet, White, Beet root, Bell pepper fruit, Bitter aloe lea, Black walnut nut, Bladderwrack,
Blessed thistle, Blood Root ,Blue cohosh root, Bloodwort, Borage, Borage Brazil nut seed, Buchu leaf, Buckbush stem, Bull Bay, Butcher's broom root, Carrot root, Cascara sagrada bark, Catnip, Chamomile, Chaparral, Chervil, Chestnut, Chicory, Chinese borage, Chinese cornbind root, Chinese ginseng root, Chinese magnolia vine fruit, Chinese red pine, Chinese tulip tree, Cinquefoil, Clove, Pink Clover, Cloves, Coconut nut, Comfrey root, Common thyme leaf, Coneflower root, Corn kernel, Costmary, Couch grass, Crampbark bark, Cucumber Tree, Curly dock root, Currants, Daisy, Dandelion, Damiana leaf, Devil's claw root, Dock Dogbane, Dong quai root, Dulse Dyer's Broom, Dyer's Chamomile, Echinacea root, English filbert seed, European mistletoe leaf, European nettle leaf, Pennyroyal, Eyebright, Fennel seed, Fenugreek seed,
Feverfew, Field horsetail, Fig, Garlic bulb, Ginger, Rhizome, Gobo root, Goldenseal root, Gotu kola leaf, Grape stem, Grapefruit fruit, Grey Sage, Hart's Tongue, Hawthorne fruit, Hellen's flower, Hops, House leek, Hyssop, Ilawarra, Flame, Indian chocolate, Irish moss, Jessamine, Juniper berries, Kurrajong, Lacebark, Ladyslipper root, Lamb's ear, Lamb's tongue, Licorice root, Linden, Lion's ears liver wort, Lobelia, Lungwort, Magnolia, Ma Huang, Maple Tree, Marshmallow root, Marsh, woundwort, Milk thistle, Mint Mullein, Myrrh, Native Wormwood, Nailwort, Noble fir Norway spruce, Nutmeg Oak Tree, Oats, Olive tree, Pau d'arco bark, Peach bark, Pecan nut, Peppermint leaf, Poplar, Polypody, Psyllium seed, Pumpkin seed, Red clover flower, Red silky oak, Rosehips, Roselle flower, Rhubarb, Safflower bloom, Sage, White Samphire, Sarsaparilla root, Saucer magnolia, Scarlet Sage, Scullcap, Scurvy Grass, Shagbark, Hickory, Siberian, Bugloss, Slippery elm bark, Smooth hydrangea root, Strawberry, Sugar cane, Small samphire, Spanish bayonet root, Spotted dog, Stevia leaf, Sweetgum-herbs, Terebinth, Thorn apple, Tonka bean, Tulip Tree, Tulip Poplar, Unicorn Root,Valerian, Walnut, Waratah, West Indian, lemongrass, Woundwort, White oak bark, White sage, White sagewor,t White willow bark, Wild daggah, Wild yam root, Wild pinks, Wild Succory, Yarrow, Yellow gentian.


Ruling Planets - Astrology/Astrological-Plants & Herbs:
The Earth | The Sun | Moon | Mercury | Mars | Venus | Jupiter | Satur

Capricorn - Ruling Planet - Saturn: Planetary Astrology: cold, dry, baron, very dark green

Plant Types: Saturn rules over the forming of seeds with the potential for re-birth into the next season or plants whose qualities are cooling and 'woody' plants. Saturn also rules the dying, drying and withering process at the very end of a plants life cycle. The planet Saturn also rules a number of poisonous plants which would kill but in the right dosage can be very powerful medically. Saturn ruled vegetation will often be grayish or blueish in appearance or may have blue flowers. Saturn's herbs will often taste bitter or acrid. Saturn herbs are Aconite, Belladonna, Chicory, Comfrey, Cypress, Elm, Horsetails, Indian Hemp, Morning glory, Nightshade, Pine and Woad

Herbs & Influence: Saturn ruled herbs and plants healing properties are typically astringent, styptic, and sometimes anesthetic. As Saturn rules the skin, the bones and the teeth so may of Saturn's herbs will treat broken bones, strains, sprains or bruises. Traditionally Saturn's herbs where used in rituals concerned with breaking bad habits as well as for applying 'hexes' upon others. Saturn type plants often enjoy growing in shade or will grow in dry ground conditions too dry for other plants.

Plants & Herbs - List: Aconite, Adder, Alder ,Amaranthus ,American persimmon, American styrax, Apple fruit, Asparagus, Baneberry, Beech, Belladonna, Beth root, Birdsfoot trefoil, Bistort, Birthwort, Bittersweet ,Blackbean, Black gum, Black Hellebone, Black nighsthade, Black oak, Blackthorn, Bladderwrack, Blue dogbane, Blue-English, Brugmansia ,Buckbush stem, Cannabis, Chinese holly, Confederate, jasmine, Corn seed, Cowpea seed, Cypress-seed oil, Daffodil, Dark columbinen, Daturas, Deadly nightshade, Devilweed, Dodder, Dogwood, Dwarf sumac, Elm European, Fleeceflower, Flowering quince, Foxglove, Fragrant olive, Gladwin iris, Globe amaranth, Grape, Grapefruit, Hellebore, Hemlock, Hemp, Henbane, High John, Hollow Larkspur, Holly, Horsetail Indigo, Lettuce leaf, Love lies- bleeding, Mandrake, Night-blooming jasmine, Nightshade, Black Nightshade, Climbing Nightshade, Deadly Northern red oak stem, Norway spruce, Pansy, Pepperwort, Petunia Wild White, Pignut hickory shoot, Plum fruit, Poison hemlock, Poplar, Queen of the Night, Red cedar, Rhaetian poppy, Royal fern, Rowa, Rupturewort, Sacaline, Sassafras, Scammony, Scopolia, Scullcap, Shagbark, Shepherd's purse, Sherazi tobacco, Shortleaf pine shoot, Smooth sumac stem, Snakeweed, Solomon's seal, Spleenwort, St. John's wort, Tamarisk, Thyme, Tobacco, Woodland Tomato fruit*, Toothache, Tree tobacco, Velvet plant, Virgin's bower, Wall fern, Weeping willow ,White oak stem*, Wild lettuce, Wild tobacco, Wild white petunia, Willow oak stem, Winter rose, Wintergreen, Witch Hazel, Woad, Wolfsbane,


Ruling Planets - Astrology/Astrological-Plants & Herbs:
The Earth | The Sun | Moon | Mercury | Mars | Venus | Jupiter | Satur

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