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Barack Obama  - Astrological Profile: 

Is this the real Barack? Read on for an astrological insight into the man at the top of the political game.

Barack Obama: 

Born 4 Aug 1961 AD Fri 19 22 00 10 00 W - UHI1 21 18 N 157 51 W

Personal Interpretation Profile

The Ascendant

The ascendant is the sign that was rising over the horizon at the time of birth. More than any other chart factor, the sign of the ascendant to be accurate is dependant on both time (it changes by 15 degrees every hour) and place of birth (someone born at the same time on the opposite side of the world will have the opposite sign on the ascendant or 'rising'). As such, it is the sign that brings us into physical incarnation, and the planet that rules that sign is said to be the ruler of the chart, or our planetary ruler for this lifetime. Hence the sign and house position of the ascendant's ruler are of particular importance. The ascending sign shows the way in which we approach life and the world in general. It can be related to what some psychologists call the persona, the mask we place between our inner selves and the world. As such it shows the way in which we are perceived by others, at least their first impressions of us. The ascendant represents the manner in which we must express ourselves in order to feel secure, and also the filter through which we perceive life and its challenges. It is the cusp of the first house, the house associated with our personal identity and self expression and represents the kind of energy and types of activities that we need to enliven us physically.

*Aquarius Ascendant

The Fixed Air sign of Aquarius rising at the time of your birth, indicates a need to view yourself and your life from a detached perspective. You are at times, able to take a mental step backwards, so to speak, to assess where you are and where you are going from an unemotional viewpoint. This ability enables you to sidestep obstacles and prevent yourself from becoming embroiled in circumstances or bound by onerous responsibilities that you would rather avoid. Your approach to life in general is unconventional and free minded. You need your own space and the freedom to make your own choices and decisions, and you are prepared to grant the same freedoms to others. You have a need to be, and to be seen as, different from the norm, any attempts by others to bind you to conventional rule of behaviour or limit your freedom of self expression will reveal the rebellious and uncompromising side of your nature, and you will, one way or another, break away from whatever it is that placing limitations upon you.

Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, the aspects and house position of this planet in your chart will be of particular importance in your chart.

* Ascendant Opposition Sun

The Sun opposite your ascendant, shows that you have a need to seek approval from others in order to feel good about yourself. The Sun is our self, what we essentially are, with the Sun on the 7th house cusp you need constant feedback from the world in order to feel that you are all right in the eyes of others, and so maintain your self confidence and sense of self worth. You may tend to look up to and admire people who are really no better than yourself, you find it difficult to admire and respect yourself, so you project this on to other people. As a result of this, you may attract people with strong egos who attempt to dominate or control you. You need to be yourself and do your own thing, whatever other people may think you have to live your life for yourself as well as for them.

* Ascendant Opposition Uranus

The influence of Uranus opposite your ascendant will be experienced through your relationships and the people to whom you are attracted. You will be attracted to liberal and free minded people, you have a vision of the future and are not bound by the values of the past. In your close personal relationships you seek a partner who needs a great deal of freedom and personal space, and hence will not interfere with your own need for freedom and self determination. The problem here is that if you are not aware that what you are seeking in others is a reflection of your own needs, you may often find yourself involved with people who demand freedom for themselves, while attempting to oppose your own, with inevitable conflict. Talk of a formal commitment, such as marriage, will make you feel uncomfortable and edgy, you feel that the only commitment necessary in a relationship is the feelings that each has for the other, unconfined by a sense of duty and responsibility.

The Sun

In the solar system the Sun is the centre around which all the other planets revolve, bound by its gravitational force. Similarly, in the birth chart the Sun represents the "centre" of our personality, or the core of our being, around which all the other psychological drives and needs, symbolised by the planets, revolve.

Just as, in the solar system, the Sun is the source of light and life generating energy, so the Sun represents the source of consciousness and life within us all. It is our will to be and our sense of individuality. The birth chart, however, represents the solar system as seen from the earth, not the Sun. Most of us are not centred in our Sun, but in our earthbound, or sense-bound ego. For most of us then, the Sun represents our "Higher Self" or Spirit. It is the immortal spark of the universal spirit which is uniquely ourselves, as opposed to our transient and mortal ego centred personality. The Sun is therefore what we are striving to become.

The sign position of and aspects to the Sun, as seen from the earth, show how this radiant inner self works through the medium of our ego centred personality. It is the fundamental tone of our being, and as such is the most important placement in the chart.

* Sun In Leo

The Sun in the fixed fire sign of Leo in your chart indicates that your basic nature is proud and generous, with a love of the theatrical and dramatic gestures. You have an innate loyalty and warmth and are generous and affectionate to those you love. You have a need to express yourself creatively, and to be recognised for yourself. The fixed nature of Leo gives you the strength and determination to achieve your aims, once you have decided what they are. Your will power is generally strong, and once you have set your mind on a course of action you can carry it out with great enthusiasm. You will need to beware of a tendency to become fixed and dogmatic in your opinions, and may be rather intolerant of other people's faults and shortcomings. This arises from your intolerance of your own faults and shortcomings. You may refuse to recognise them, or if you do, refuse to live with them. Expecting perfection of yourself leads you to expect perfection in others.

* Sun In 6th House

With the Sun in the 6th house of your chart you'll need to help others in some way or be of service to others. This may involve work that makes you feel that you're doing something worthwhile and important, but you'll also have to beware the tendency to stress the needs of others, whilst neglecting your own needs.

* Sun Square Neptune

With the square between the Sun and Neptune you may occasionally experience some confusion concerning your sense of who you are, and where you're going in life. Past experiences and events may occasionally raise issues that force you to examine yourself honestly and understand how you drew these experiences to you, and what you must learn from them. However, at times, you'll often evade reality by escaping into a world of dreams and fantasy.

There will also be times when you tend to underestimate your abilities, with the fear of failure preventing you from doing things that you would be fully capable of. In time, and probably after a great deal of self analysis, you will become more confident about your own creative potential and set higher goals for yourself.


In the birth chart, the Moon is second in importance only to the Sun. Unlike the other planets the Moon orbits the earth, and seen from the earth is the same size as the Sun (hence the possibility of total eclipses). The Moon gives off no light of its own, however, but reflects and polarises the light of the Sun.

The Moon represents memories, feelings and instinctive responses that lie just below the level of consciousness. As the Moon orbits the earth, it generates the movements of the tides and governs other natural cycles, such as the menstrual cycle in women. The Moon therefore symbolises the ebb and flow of feeling and emotion (symbolised by water in Astrology), and the feminine principle in nature and in the individual.

The sign position of and aspects to the Moon show how we react instinctively, and what we need to feel comfortable and secure. As children the Moon is the Mother, or at least how we experienced our mother. As we grow older this extends to our relationships with women in general (particularly for men), and our instinctive or conditioned responses to the world in general; based on the often unconscious memories of this early nurturing experience (or lack of it).

* Moon in Gemini

Gemini is a mutable air sign. With the Moon in this sign, your emotional and instinctive reactions are versatile and adaptable. There is a genuine intellectual ability, and an inner need for constant intellectual and social stimulation in order to feel secure emotionally. There is a need to be involved in several different activities at once, and you find it difficult to settle down to a strict and rigid routine. The inner need for a variety of associations, if uncontrolled, can lead to a constant change in your emotions, making it difficult for even you to know how you really feel. You can give the impression of being fickle and superficial in your emotional responses.

* Moon in 4th House

The Moon is in the 4th House of your chart, the House over which it rules. Both the Moon and the 4th House are concerned with our home life and childhood. With the Moon in this House you'll have a need to establish a secure home life, to which you can retreat from the cares and worries of the world.

Good relations with your family will also be important to you, but you may tend to depend too much on your family for emotional support and comfort. As a parent yourself, you'll want to provide a safe and secure home life for your own children, but must control the urge to be over protective.

*Moon Sextile Mercury

The Moon and Mercury in a sextile aspect heighten your emotional perception. You are sensitive to other people's emotions, even if they don't openly express how they are feeling. Generally, you are also able to understand your own emotions objectively and understand where your feelings are coming from. Therefore, understanding others and yourself enables you to help others who are going through emotional difficulties. You can often help them gain a different perspective on their problems, either professionally or simply to help friends.

You have an excellent memory, able to absorb and remember information with ease, and you learn from your past mistakes as well as successes.

*Moon Trine Jupiter

The trine between the Moon and Jupiter in your chart indicates a warm and generous nature. Sensitive to the needs of others, you are able to give emotional support and comfort when it is needed. You may find that others approach you for sympathy and understanding when their lives aren't going too well, because of your ability to help them look on the bright side.

You enjoy being in the company of loved ones and friends, in fact, anyone who can make you feel positive and good about yourself. You don't generally hang on to the past, or nurse grievances for too long. You have a spirit of adventure that looks to the future, and a need to satisfy your desire for new experiences.

*Moon Square Pluto

The square between your Moon and the powerful planet Pluto will give you a rather intense and demanding emotional nature. You will occasionally tend to demand a great deal from those to whom you are emotionally attached, but may be reluctant to give much or accept too much responsibility in return.

As a result, your emotional life may be the source of conflicts and power struggles. There may be times when you may try to manipulate another through feelings of guilt, possessiveness and jealousy, or you may be the victim of such attempts at manipulation. Past emotional difficulties may have left deep-seated scars that have not completely healed, and which come to the surface from time to time.

At times you may be forced to let go of past emotional attachments, memories, or ways of being. Painful though these experiences may be, this aspect indicates that they are necessary for your personal growth.


Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Along with Venus it is one of the inferior planets, that is, its orbit lies within the earth's orbit.

In mythology, Mercury is the messenger of the gods. In the birth chart, Mercury represents the urge to communicate with and exchange information with others. In the mind, it represents our rational thought processes, or the ability to analyse and reach logical conclusions. In the body, it is the nervous system, which co-ordinates and unifies all the different bodily functions into an organised whole. Mercury can be said to represent electricity in the form of information. Mercury therefore rules all forms of communication and exchange of information, and the ability to organise facts into a consistent view of the world.

The sign position of and aspects to Mercury in the chart show how one thinks and communicates, that is, the way in which our thoughts are expressed, and the way in which we receive such information from the world around us.

* Mercury in Leo

With Mercury in the fixed fire sign of Leo, your mind is lively and creative. You like to express your thoughts in a dramatic way, and to be seen as a broad-minded and intelligent person. You have a strong will, and once your mind is made up on some issue you will defend your position as if your whole life depended on it. You are not given to self doubts and questioning, you are sure of what you think and believe. While this can be a positive trait, if taken to extremes you can exhibit an immovable fixedness in your opinions, as if your whole sense of identity depends on maintaining your present ideas and opinions, even in the face of conflicting evidence. You can show a lack of objectivity, and give the impression that you always know what is right and best.

* Mercury in 6th House

Mercury is in the 6th House of your chart, the House concerned with work, health and learning through experience. With Mercury in this House, the urge to communicate with others is strong.

There's also an intimate connection between mind and body. Often physical problems or illness are messages from your own unconscious mind, making you aware of things you may be doing wrong, or bringing to the fore repressed problems, through the medium of your physical body. In some cases, some of your minor illnesses may therefore be psychosomatic.

In your professional life, you will need work that is mentally stimulating, or work that involves communication with others. If this isn't the case then you'll quickly become restless and discontented, consequently finding it difficult to settle.

* Mercury Opposition Jupiter

With Mercury in opposition to Jupiter, you have an intense need to learn all you can about the world, but you may have a tendency to base your opinions on incomplete evidence. At times you therefore need to work at separating truth from fiction, and fantasy from reality.

There may also be times when you have difficulty in concentrating your mind on one subject, or following one path, for any length of time. Open to endless possibilities, your mind has a habit of jumping from one thing to another. Nevertheless, with discipline, you do have the capacity to constantly assimilate new knowledge and learn.

* Mercury Opposition Saturn

Mercury in opposition to Saturn suggests that your mind occasionally has a serious or pessimistic leaning. In your early life, your intellectual capabilities may have been made to feel inferior in some way, possibly by your father or some other figure of authority. As a result, you may even now tend to doubt your own intellectual capacity, but you shouldn't. You're capable of tremendous achievements, if you would only believe it.

If you apply yourself, and not worry that others are more intelligent or better than you, then you'll be surprised at what you could achieve. Indeed, you have an intellectual endurance and stamina that can withstand mental pressures for longer than most, and with less damaging after effects. However, as your mind operates on a many different levels and to a very fine specification, if it does snap after constant tension then it can take years to put the many pieces back together again.

Nevertheless, you're able to deal with matters that require organisation and planning better than most as being aware of potential problems and pitfalls allows you to deal with them before they arise.

* Mercury Square Neptune

The square between Mercury and Neptune indicates that your imagination can at times overshadow your logical thinking. Occasionally you may find it difficult to deal with the harsher realities of life, preferring to retreat to a world of fantasy and daydreams where problems don't exist.

This tendency is probably the result of early experiences where you found that this was the only way you could deal with life.

However, if you can control the negative side of this aspect, and be more realistic in your dealings with the real world, you'd do well in occupations such as art or writing, or any activity where you could give your powerful imagination its full sway.


Venus, like Mercury, lies within the orbit of the earth. If Mercury can be likened to electricity in the form of information, then Venus can be likened to the magnetic field generated by the electric current. One of the meanings of Venus is therefore "personal magnetism".

In mythology Venus is the goddess of love. In the birth chart, Venus represents the social and love urge, and the need for harmony and exchange of feelings and affection with others. Venus is our need to form relationships and our power to attract such relationships. It is also our sense of values, based on what attracts or repels us.

The sign position of any aspect to Venus shows how we express these needs to others and the kind of response we need in order to feel in harmony. If Venus is adversely aspected theses responses may not always be what we consciously desire but are often necessary in order to force us to recognise some unexpressed part of ourselves.

* Venus in Cancer

Venus in the cardinal Water sign of Cancer indicates that in your relationships, you seek a deep sense of emotional sharing with another person. The fear of being hurt will cause you to hide behind an outer shell of apparent coolness until you feel secure enough to express your true feelings, when you do, however, you are sensitive and caring but may overdo it and emotionally smother the other person. Your approach to matters of love are deeply linked to your need for a home and security. This is not to say that this is all that you are looking for, it is just that you will find it difficult to relate emotionally to another person unless these needs are satisfied.

* Venus in 5th House

With Venus in the 5th House of your chart, you're incredibly creative and romantic. You're the sort of person who's in love with love...and you enjoy the fun side of life. You enjoy the very best in life and feel that if something is worth doing, it's worth doing well. As a parent, children can be a source of pleasure and fulfilment.

* Venus Trine Neptune

The trine between Venus and Neptune indicates a sensitive and artistic nature. You're particularly idealistic in your relationships and expect them to fulfil some kind of spiritual ideal. Needless to say, you'll need to inject some element of realism in your approach to relationships if you're not to be disappointed.

This aspect will also help to soften any of the harsher edges of your personality, and indicates that beneath most of your actions lies a spiritual purpose.


Mars is the first planet in the series out from the Sun that is outside the orbit of the earth. As the first superior planet, Mars represents energy directed outward from the self into the world. It is the energy to initiate action and the ability to meet challenges and overcome obstacles. In mythology, Mars is the god of war. In the birth chart, Mars is the self assertive and aggressive urge, the sex drive and the need to achieve our desires. Positively, Mars is expressed as courage, initiative, and the will-power to pursue our goals. Negatively expressed, Mars is impatience, violence and the use of force or threats.

The sign position of and aspects to Mars in the chart show how we assert ourselves and express our desires. Mars is traditionally a masculine planet, and therefore represents the expression of the male ego. In a women's chart, the energy of Mars is often repressed by social and family conditioning, and indicates how she will experience the male ego through the men around her, whether positively or negatively expressed. It is, however, becoming increasingly possible for women to break away from traditional passive roles, and express their own Martian drives, but this is often not completely successful until after the age of about 30.

* Mars in Virgo

With Mars in the mutable earth sign of Virgo you will put a great deal of energy into organising your practical and material affairs. No matter how tight money is, you will somehow always manage to pay your bills and provide the basic necessities of life. You may be over critical both of yourself and others, with a tendency to constantly analyse motives, and the need to understand the whys and wherefores of everything you do, particularly in the area of your sex life. If this is not taken to inhibiting extremes you can gain great insight into the hidden or unconscious motives and needs, both your own and those of others. You should avoid a tendency to worry or feel guilty when the actions of others drive you into expressing your anger or aggression.

* Mars in 7th House

The aggressive planet Mars is in the 7th House of relationships. This suggests a certain amount of tension and conflict in your relationships with others. There's also the danger of venting your anger on those closest to you, or subtly arousing others to anger so that you have an excuse to release your own built up aggression. But there's also an extremely positive side of this placing, and that's that your willing to stand up for the rights of others who can't stand up for themselves. Mind you, if they simply won't stand up for themselves, then you'll just lose respect and let them wallow.

Planets in the 7th House often represent the type of person we choose to live with or fall in love with. You may therefore be attracted to someone who has all the Mars attributes of boldness, daring and aggression. Relationships may therefore be stormy, but if you manage to respect each other's independence, there'll never be a dull moment!

* Mars Trine Saturn

Mars in trine to Saturn indicates that you're generally able to channel your aggressive energies creatively and productively. When necessary, you're able to work persistently toward your goals, enduring harsh conditions and set-backs on the way to eventually reach your destination, even if it takes you a lifetime.

You accept your responsibilities and carry them out to the best of your ability, and you expect others to do the same. Your temper is generally well-controlled, and you accept people for what they are, with all their faults, so you don't generally fly off the handle when somebody does something to annoy you.

The planets up to and including Mars have been concerned with the establishment of ourselves as individuals, and with the satisfaction of our own needs and desires. The planets beyond Mars connect us with a larger order.


As the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter represents expansion and growth. It is the urge to grow beyond our individual limitations and the need to feel part of a larger order, whether this be a particular religion, philosophy or social system. Jupiter, the king of the gods, is traditionally the bestower of faith, optimism and the ability to expand and prosper. It is the planet that promotes personal growth, gives us confidence in ourselves and trust in a higher power or greater plan. Negatively, Jupiter can manifest as overconfidence, irresponsibility and the tendency to over-extend ourselves or promise too much.

The sign position of and aspects to Jupiter in the chart show what kinds of experiences and types of activity create an inner faith and optimism, and the sense of being connected to the larger scheme of things.

* Jupiter in Aquarius

Jupiter in the fixed air sign of Aquarius shows a need to expand your horizons and grow beyond your present limitations through groups and ways of thinking that are forward looking, unconventional, or even revolutionary. You will have a strong sense of justice and an attraction to various causes. It may be that you need to be working for some cause, or some group attempting to bring about some important social change, in order to feel confidence in yourself and faith in life in general. Your philosophical or religious outlook will be humanitarian, and probably different from the established and conventional world view. There can, however, be a tendency to overdo the importance of such activities in your own life, leading to an intolerance of anyone or anything that tries to prevent you from expanding in the directions that you want.

* Jupiter in 12th House

With Jupiter in the 12th House, no matter how dire your circumstances may become, you have a deep-seated faith that life itself will provide for your needs, and indeed you'll more than often be saved in the nick of time from impossibly difficult circumstances by what appears to others to be good luck, but in fact it's luck which you've created from your own thoughts and actions.

* Jupiter Conjunct Saturn

The effect of Jupiter and Saturn in Conjunction can be summed up as tremendous possibilities, achieved through hard work. These two planets are, in a sense, opposite influences, Jupiter represents optimism, expansion and good luck, and Saturn is more pessimistic and restricting work.

However, with this combination each balances the excesses of the other. Therefore you're generally able to balance optimism with realism, enthusiasm with caution and extravagance with discipline. You aim to make an impact on the world, but you're also able to plan the next step before you take it.

* Jupiter Square Neptune

With the Square between Jupiter and Neptune, you have high ideals, but you may lack the discipline required to make these ideals a reality in your own life. Understanding and sympathetic to others, you may at times unknowingly allow others to take advantage of your good nature.

If you can discipline your imaginative mind, perhaps through meditation or self-analysis, you could gain a great deal more understanding about yourself.


Saturn is the last planet in the solar system that can be seen with the naked eye from the earth. As such, together with the fact that it is bounded by a series of rings, Saturn represents the boundaries of the individual.

After the limitless expansion of Jupiter, Saturn in the birth chart represents boundaries and limitations. It is the principle of structure and form. In the body, it is the skeleton, which gives the body its structure, and the skin, which is the boundary to the outside world. In the mind, it is the structure of our ego and our sense of self which we seek to preserve from the impact of changes from within and from the outside world. Saturn gives us the ability to endure setbacks and work with discipline and patience toward well defined aims. It is the need for social approval through some kind of tangible achievement. Whereas Jupiter brings rewards and opportunities through what we might call good luck, Saturn brings rewards and opportunities through hard work, limitation and self discipline.

The sign position of and aspects to Saturn show how we seek to establish ourselves as individuals and find our place in the social system of which we are a part. Any form or structure, however, when placed in the light of the Sun tends to cast a shadow. The position of Saturn in the chart therefore, shows where we find our "shadow". It is here that we meet with our greatest sense of inadequacy, lack of faith and inhibitions. Saturn shows where we are most fearful, and hence most rigid; but if these fears can be met and overcome it is the source of our greatest strength and a solid foundation from which to meet the world.

* Saturn in Capricorn

With Saturn in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn you will have a strong ambition, and a need to achieve something tangible and of lasting worth in your life. You may tend to base your sense of security on a rather conventional view of what this means. Even if other aspects of your personality incline you toward a less conventional approach to life, there will still be a deep rooted sense of uneasiness, possibly as a result of values instilled in you at a young age by your father. You will begin to feel happier about your life when you understand that what is conventional and accepted is relative to a particular time and culture, which is always in a state of change. You will have a deep seated ambition and drive to achieve, which you may not be fully conscious of, in fact it may not surface fully until your first Saturn return, when Saturn completes one cycle of the chart, about the age of 28-30. This may be expressed negatively as a belief that you do not really have it in you to succeed, but if you can overcome this fear and begin the long climb to the top you have the capacity to reach the summit of your chosen career or life's work.

* Saturn in 12th House

Saturn in the 12th House of your chart shows that you may occasionally be suspicious of other people's motives. At times you'll need to completely withdraw from others in order to realign mind, body and soul, but people who don't really understand you may feel that they are being personally rejected. You may find it difficult to make a commitment to anyone, or anything, out of a fear of losing your own individuality. If you can find the courage for some honest self-examination, and get to the root of what is really bothering you, you'll find or rediscover, the courage of your convictions.

The Outer Planets

The planets beyond Saturn:- Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, move through the signs so slowly that the sign positions of these planets refer more to the generation of which we are a part, rather than individual characteristics. It is the House position that shows where we will meet with the principles expressed by these planets in our lives. The aspects of these planets to the personal planets indicate our degree of attunement to the principles they represent.

The trans-Saturnian planets cannot be seen without the aid of a telescope. Therefore they represent powerful forces that are beyond conscious control. These planets connect us with forces and levels of reality beyond our experience as individual human beings. They do this by breaking down the boundaries of the ego (symbolised by Saturn), to allow the inflow of higher ideals and goals into our ego-centred minds. This can often mean the total disruption or destruction of our existing lives, goals, or outer and inner structures in order to make this possible.


Uranus is the first of the trans-Saturnian planets. It cannot be seen with the naked eye and was discovered in 1781 during the period of the American and French revolutions. It's discovery was made possible by the invention of the telescope, a development that has led to radical changes in our knowledge of the universe and our place in it.

In the birth chart then, Uranus represents the force for revolutionary change, the breaking from tradition, and inventiveness and experimentation. As one of the three planets that cannot be seen with the unaided eye, Uranus represents a force over which we have little or no conscious control. On an individual level, Uranus indicates our degree of independence and demand for personal freedom. If well aspected it gives us originality and an attunement to truth that goes beyond the logic of Mercury. If we refuse to express the energy of Uranus within us, preferring to cling to the traditions and limitations of Saturn, then Uranus may manifest as disruptions and sudden changes in our immediate environment, sometimes disrupting our lives completely and forcing us to make needed changes. If the energy of Uranus is expressed negatively, it can lead to wilfulness, impatience and needless rebellion, the rebel without a cause.

The position of Uranus in the chart shows where we most feel the need for freedom and independence and the need to experiment with new ideas and ways of living. Conversely, it is the area where we can cause the most disruption and needless change.

* Uranus in 7th House

Uranus in the 7th House of your chart gives a great opportunity for stimulating and lively relationships. You will be attracted to unconventional and self motivated people, but your impulsiveness and self will, may lead to abrupt endings or unusual partnerships. You may rush into a commitment, which will end in divorce or sudden separation, you should think twice about making irrevocable commitments. You will need a partner who will allow you the freedom and personal space to pursue your own goals and career, or give you encouragement and the push you need to achieve your full potential.

As well as personal relationships, the 7th House is concerned with the way we deal with what is termed the general public, if we are in a position where we need to do so. You have the ability to communicate new, even revolutionary, ideas to other people, to open their minds up to possibilities and realms of experience that they have been unaware of, and to stimulate their own individuality and self awareness.


After Uranus comes Neptune, the god of the sea. Whereas Uranus is the urge for individual freedom and independence, Neptune is the urge to escape from our normal sense-bound state of consciousness, and experience our unity with a different level of reality.

In the birth chart, Neptune represents our higher ideals and our attunement to realities that lie beyond that perceived by the senses. It is the realm of dreams and imagination and our sense of being part of a whole which is greater than ourselves, the awareness of a spiritual dimension to existence. Neptune represents the urge to transcend our normal state of consciousness through meditation and mystical experience, music, dreams and flights of the imagination, or through drugs (including alcohol) which afford us a temporary escape from the mundane grind of living. Neptune can be expressed as high ideals, altruism and spiritual values, or as self destructive escapism and evasion of responsibilities. For most of us it is a mixture of both.

The position of Neptune in the chart shows where and how we seek to express these needs, and in what areas of our lives we tend to seek an often impossible ideal.

* Neptune in 9th House

Neptune in the 9th House indicates a mystical or idealistic search for meaning through some kind of religion or philosophy. You may at times be tempted to project your need for a guru onto a person or group who you feel has the absolute truth, and the final answers to everything, only to find later that it was an illusion. But you will come to realise that if there is an absolute truth, it can be expressed in many ways, that are valid for a particular culture, and a particular level of understanding, at a particular time.

You are an idealist in your views on social issues and education. For you, education is not for the purpose of programming a person with a particular set of values, or a particular belief system, it is a means of developing each individuals potential and awareness of the responsibilities of being part of a greater whole.

* Neptune Sextile Pluto

This aspect between the two outermost planets first occurred in 1942 and will remain in effect for the next hundred years, although the sign positions of the planets will change, so everyone born during this time will have it in their charts. This contact will therefore affect everyone for the next hundred years and represents changes taking place in the world's collective psyche. The keynote of this entire period will be the complete transformation of our existing scientific, religious and political belief systems.


Pluto is the outermost planet in the solar system and therefore the slowest moving. At certain times however, due to the high eccentricity of its orbit, it comes closer to the earth than Neptune. This is the case at the present time and will be so until the end of the century. At the same time it is passing through Scorpio, the sign that it rules. This is a very critical period in world history, since Pluto represents powerful forces of death and destruction or change and transformation, which are now at their strongest. This can lead to destruction through nuclear war or our pollution and exploitation of our planet. On the other hand it can lead to the death of the present political and economical systems and the birth of new political and economic systems and a transformation in international relations and our relationship to our planet. By the time Pluto leaves Scorpio in 1999 the issue will probably be decided one way or the other.

In the individual birth chart, Pluto represents the urge for power and control either over ourselves or others. It is the need to penetrate beneath the surface of experience, to reveal hidden motivations and repressed desires. The position of Pluto in the chart indicates our capacity for self-regeneration or rebirth and our attitude towards beginnings and endings and birth and death, either actual or symbolic. Pluto can be expressed as the acceptance of our need for complete transformation in some area of our life, and the courage to face our deepest compulsions and hang-ups. Or, it can be expressed as the wilful manipulation of others, ruthlessness and an infatuation with power.

* Pluto in 7th House

Through your relationships you will have to deal with negative emotions, jealousy, anger, hatred, greed, either your own or another's. There is a danger of projecting your most negative emotions on to your partner, blaming them for emotions you would rather not face within yourself. There will probably be many battles over who has control in your relationships, through the fear of being dominated, you attempt to gain the upper hand first. You will be irresistibly attracted to powerful, influential people who will have a transforming effect on your life. Power in others fascinates you, reflecting the way you would like to be yourself.

Through crises and pain you will eventually gain great insight into your needs in relationships, and a profound ability to help others get in touch with their own wounds and need for healing in their emotional lives.

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