The Main Moon Phases & Astrological Uses    

The Main Moon Phases & Astrological Uses 

Today's Moon  | Moon astrology |  Find your moon sign   |  Moon signs   |   Moon transits Full moon astrology  Moon phases  

Moon Astrology: learn the high sabots the low sabot, the blue moons and much more. Learn both the power of the moon and harnessing her magical - mysterious powers for you -  A collection of moon rites and rituals through out the entire year, Wiccan Rites and Rituals a Collection of Luna Rites for Every Day of the Year - Magical

Your probably always know that the moons rhythms affects the world in certain ways - the ebb and flow of the tides, women’s menstrual cycles, the best time to plant and harvest  - But are you aware of its influence on virtually all important arias of your daily life? You can now get your complete guide to of ‘Luna effects’ for all of 2016 – Learn now how you can harvest the moons power to live a happier, more harmonist and positively-full life – read now - Guided by the Moon: Learn now how to plan for a more successful future using the coming 2016 Luna cycles see -Llewellyn's Cycles of the Moon 2016 

The Main Moon Phases & Their Astrological Uses

New Moon - Waxing Moon - Full Moon - Waning Moon - The Moons Mansions Video: Be ware of void moons

Void Moons Daily Be-Ware!!!!-New MoonNew Moon - The new moon phase is a time for all things new. The new moon is used to start new projects or new ventures, the new moon phase is a very positive time for personal growth and for all things new. The new moon can make people impulsive, instinctive, and inclined towards self-dramatics or self projection. This moon phase is the time for the blessing of new projects or ventures and a time for personal growth. On a magical ritualistic level the new moon is a good time to cleanse and to consecrate new tools and objects that you wish to use with in your rituals, your ceremonies or even for your work in general. The new moon is a time for all new starts.

Waxing Moon Or First Quarter Moon -  The waxing moon phase is a good time to learning to relate to others around you objectively. Waxing moon phases can make people more eager to act, an eagerness to experience and to organize and for change. The waxing moon or, the first quarter is used magical or ritualistically for attracting a partner or lover, or for the waxing moons healing energy for couples and the protection for couples. The waxing moon phase is traditional - astrologically a time for building and growth.

 Full Moon - The full moon phase is a time for inner illumination and a good time for getting a better understanding or grounding prior to any action. The full moon is used traditionally to banishing unwanted influences in your life and for creating 'full on' energy used traditional for making amulets or charms used for protection. The energy of the full moon phases is a very positive time for the performing of divination or rituals, it is a time for you to focus upon your hearts desire!. The full moon phase is also a positive time for the setting up of plans and for the releasing of the old and unwanted patterns. The full moon rites can or should only be performed during the three days prior to the rise of the full moon, the night of the full moon and during the three days after the full moon.

Last qurter moon- Moon phases -astro mapWaning Or Last Quarter -  The last quarter moon astrologically is a time to get in touch with all those aeries of your life that have become unwanted, to harmonies your thinking and your awareness. Used magical or ritualistically this moon phase is a time for banishing and rejecting all that with-in your life that influence you in a negative way. This last quarter moon is used for getting shot of all negative emotions, diseases, ailments, and bad habits. The waning moon is used traditional for spells and incarnations for cleansing, for cleaning, and for banishing. The waning moon phase is the time of banishing.

Void Moons: Why you should avoid a void moon.

Planning for Success....Learn now how to plan for a more successful future using the coming 2016 Luna cycles see -Llewellyn's Cycles of the Moon 2016

 Learning More: A collection of moon rites and rituals through out the entire year, learn the high sabbats the low sabate, the esbats, the blue moons. Learn both the power of the moon and working with or harnessing her magical - mysterious powers. Wiccan Rites and Rituals a Collection of Luna Rites for Every Day of the Year - Magical -

Living in Harmony with the Lunar Cycles (Paperback) Living in Harmony with the Lunar Cycles (Paperback)

 How to use the moon phases for yourself and as a powerful tool in your life Info here,,,,


 Beyond Moons Phases *** The Mansions of the Moon – The Magical side of Moon Astrology:

The moons mansions goes beyond the phases of the moon - See – video:

Moon phases - moon astrology - moon phases in astrology - Copy Astro Map UK