Text taken from TransCommunication web site but originally transcribed to thesix.org web site, Communications was through "trance medium" assisted by five other "psychics" in large arena type meetings*

"SHIFT OF EARTH POLE AXIS - Spirit Communications : Because on 30th November 2007, we have been told by our guides that there would be a wave of people moving in the secret place of the first Spiritist Christians in the mountains of France, NOT NEAR THE SEA, and that we also, we would move in the heights, on the foothills of these mountains in France, off course, I have been trying to find where would be this "secret dwelling of the ancient spiritists", as even the name of these mountains has not been transmitted by the spirit speaker. I discovered that the Nazarene, Apollonius of Tyana, went in France in Vendex , but also in Switzerland in Geneva... Understanding that this would be because of some huge disaster involving the sea, probably created by the shift of Earth Pole axis, I have been searching on Internet (The "World Wide Web" as the Spirits call it) some informations FROM SPIRIT THROUGH SPIRITUALIST TRANCE MEDIUMS - Spirits who are more in the know on what's going on... and I have found the following two links of the amazingly good trance medium Paul Case - Philosophy and Spirit communications  

*These Videos have disappeared*"- THE NAKED TRUTH : http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6410112404402873027

- LAST DAYS ON EARTH : http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-3553079034810235653&q=genre%3A+Pole+Shift "

" Spirit Communications : Because on 30th November 2007, we have been told by our guides that there would be a wave of people moving in the secret place of the first Spiritist Christians in the mountains of France, NOT NEAR THE SEA, and that we also, we would move in the heights, on the foothills of these mountains in France, off course, I have been trying to find where would be this "secret dwelling of the ancient spiritists", as even the name of these mountains has not been transmitted by the spirit speaker. I discovered that the Nazarene, Apollonius of Tyana, went in France in Vendex , but also in Switzerland in Geneva... Understanding that this would be because of some huge disaster involving the sea, probably created by the shift of Earth Pole axis, I have been searching on Internet (The "World Wide Web" as the Spirits call it) some informations FROM SPIRIT THROUGH SPIRITUALIST TRANCE MEDIUMS - Spirits who are more in the know on what's going on... and I have found the following two links of the amazingly good trance medium Paul Case : "

*These pages have also gone!  OUR ORDIGINAL LINKS*

http://www.thesix.org/transmissions.htm    http://www.thesix.org/questions.htm

*SUMMER 2008 will this happen? Is this the future, a lot of what was written on the original six web site has come about. It was true! Is this also going to happen, time and surly a matter of months will tell and if so some of their other predictions are truly shocking. I have old text copies of some of their more potent communications from their ‘sprit’ guides which if  I will copy and post on these pages. Watch this slot*

"It seems that SUMMER 2008 will be the crucial date of some tremendous disaster... The axis of the pole has already moved of 5 degrees in the last decade, but it is forcasted that it will still move of 10 degrees. My congratulation and my warm gratitude to Paul Case, Neil Hirst and their group for sharing these informations on their website.

*A comment from respected medium Maryse Locke and taken like the rest of this text from the TransCommunication which has replaced thesix web site?*

"I am thinking of the many spiritualist mediums who know a lot about this, and are not speaking or who are not sharing frankly and generously, and prefer that people beg on their feet or on their email... All the free services are granted when it is for their benefit, for their credit, but the reverse has to be through humiliating beggings... It makes me feel nauseous ! Text submitted by Maryse LOCKE

Notes   * indicates our text* " indicates text taken from TransCommunication web sire"

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